Impugns the reputation of trade-industry journalist and OrganicEye

Mark Kastel

Kastel’s Kitchen (a special 2-part episode): Two Carcinogens to Avoid in Organic Foods and Plant-based Food (not vegetables/not healthy)

WARNING: Watch out for these two ingredients Unless you are eating local, fresh, unprocessed, whole…

“The Great Organic Food Fraud”

Hello Supporters of Food Justice, We commercialized the organic farming movement in the 1980s in…

Soil-Grown vs. Soil-Less Food Production

COMMENTARY BY ELIOT COLEMAN The interest in using soil-less hydroponic systems to grow food is…

USDA Secretary Hires OTA/Hydroponic Lawyer/Lobbyist as a Key Advisor

In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E.…

ActionAlert! Antibiotics and Carcinogens in Organics — Tell the USDA No!

In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E.…