Impugns the reputation of trade-industry journalist and OrganicEye

Mark Kastel

Dairy Management Inc. spends $160 million a year from farmers’ milk checks on promotions and partnerships, but sales continue to fall.

It's great to see the largest newspaper in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, do this excellent…

Internal Monsanto Documents Reveal the Company’s Deceptive Disinformation Campaign against Critics

Chemical industry giant Monsanto used military-style surveillance and response tactics to target critics, newly released…

Kastel: Conventional & Organic CAFOs Giving Dairy Producers a Black Eye

The primary reasons people shift to purchasing organic dairy products, often a gateway food as…

America’s Dairyland, Wisconsin, hemorrhaging family-scale farmers

When I started doing political work on behalf of farmers, in the mid-1980s there were…

A Summary of Lessons from Four Decades of Organic Farming: A Life Well Lived and Cautionary Words for Our Time

According to Tom Willey, one of the intellectually deepest farmers I know, and am proud…