Impugns the reputation of trade-industry journalist and OrganicEye

Mark Kastel

Have You Ever Spent “A Day in the Country”?

A catchy little ditty by Kevin Mattson… LA FARGE, Wis. — I’m really lucky to…

Corporate Dominance in Organic Governance and Rulemaking at the USDA – A Stick in the Eye to Organic Farmers and Consumers

Updated White Paper Profiles Lobbyist-Affiliated Appointees to National Organic Standards Board THE STORY: A QUICK…

Prioritizing an All-Organic Diet—Paybacks from Safer, Nutrient-Dense Food

Source: Austin Valley (used under Creative Commons licensing) Fundamentally Flawed: Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen and Clean 15…

USDA pledges to crack down on fraud in the certified organic label, but is it enough?

The OrganicEye View: Years ago, major papers in farm states like Wisconsin used to have…

Cracking down on fraud in the organic food industry

Listen to the full episode here: The United States Department of Agriculture has announced…