Impugns the reputation of trade-industry journalist and OrganicEye

OrganicEye Posts

Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry Book Review

Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry by Austin Frerick is a…

ActionAlert: Tell the USDA — No Diseased Animals Should Be Allowed in Organic Pet Food

OrganicEye Executive Director, Mark Kastel, and his shelter cat, Kovu, adopted Pippin who was abandoned…

OrganicEye’s Testimony Before the National Organic Standards Board

Carcinogenic preservative in processed meat, synthetic amino acids in chicken feed, and a warning against…

COMMENTARY: Black Eye for Organic Courtesy of Corporate Lobbyists, Certifiers, and the USDA — Family Farmers and Their Loyal Customers Pay the Price

USDA-certified organic California CAFO (Fagundes Brothers Dairy, certified by CCOF), target of a previous legal…

Organic Farmers Ditch Unethical Certifiers = People Power

Susan Truscott proudly displaying an article about her farm in the Edible East Bay magazine.…

Second Large Organic Certifier Accused of Improprieties, Betraying Organic Farmers and Consumers

Oregon Tilth’s certification of livestock factories, such as this one in Chase, Kansas, has resulted…

Organic Civil War: US Farmers Face off in Court Against Importers of Potentially Fraudulent Food

LA FARGE, WIS. — Last fall an Oregon organic hazelnut farmer filed a federal lawsuit against…

Caught Red-Handed: Organic Certifiers Freaking Out

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you…

Updated Administrative Law Complaint
Alleged Certifier Conflict of Interest – CCOF

OrganicEye has amended its Legal complaint and request for action regarding clear conflict of interest…