Impugns the reputation of trade-industry journalist and OrganicEye

OrganicEye Posts

Op-Ed: The Healthful Mirage

Milk Versus Milk Analogues Mark Kastel's latest editorial was published on the homepage of Food…

Commentary: Major Fraud Rocks the Organic Industry

Demanding Reform of the USDA Organic Program For many of us involved in lobbying Congress…

A ONE-MAN WRECKING CREW IN THE ORGANIC DAIRY: A Lifetime of Service to the Planet and Its People — Mark Retzloff

Featured by Public Relations Firm Compass Natural in Their Podcast, Coffee Talk Part of our…

NGO Appeals to Biden/Vilsack to Reverse Corporate Dominance in Organic Governance at the USDA

Updated White Paper Profiles Lobbyist-Affiliated Appointees to National Organic Standards Board La Farge, Wis. —…

Veteran Policy Experts Move Organic Industry Watchdog Agency

USDA Failures Necessitate Reinventing the Federal Certification Program LA FARGE, Wis. — OrganicEye, a public…

OrganicEye Founder to Speak at 2022 Real Organic Symposium

Join OrganicEye Founder Mark Kastel at the 2022 Real Organic Project Symposium, a virtual series…

Kastel’s Kitchen (a special 2-part episode): Two Carcinogens to Avoid in Organic Foods and Plant-based Food (not vegetables/not healthy)

WARNING: Watch out for these two ingredients Unless you are eating local, fresh, unprocessed, whole…

USDA Secretary Hires OTA/Hydroponic Lawyer/Lobbyist as a Key Advisor

In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E.…

ActionAlert! Antibiotics and Carcinogens in Organics — Tell the USDA No!

In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E.…