An Eminently Qualified Organic Industry Watchdog
We monitor the increasingly corrupt relationship between corporate agribusiness and government regulators that has eroded the working definition of organics.
Working with our intelligence agents around the country, we are protecting what we have built together.
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A message from OrganicEye leadership (left to right): Mark Kastel, Bill Heart Will Fantle, and Jim Gerritsen—When it comes to preserving organics as an alternative to the chemical-intensive farming and food production system that is destroying our environment and health:
We are OrganicEye. We Have the Power to Impact Our Future and We’re Doing Something About It.
Join the OrganicEye leaders, with their over 130 years of industry oversight, in building a new and important asset for the community. The organic farming movement started as a values-based industry. It was built on a loving, collaborative relationship between family-scale farmers and shoppers willing to pay for food produced based on superior environmental stewardship, humane animal husbandry and economic-justice for the people who produce our food. OrganicEye’s mission is ensuring these values and commitments are not compromised in the modern food system.
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From the Gumshoes at OrganicEye
Will Cuts at the USDA Organic Program Hinder Enforcement?
Like other federal regulatory agencies, the USDA and its National Organic Program are facing staffing cuts, raising questions about the program’s...
Take Action: Tell RFK Jr. to Help Save Organics!
Your message to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: First, clean up the corruption / then promote superior organic food Send Your Message to Secretary Kennedy...
Stormy Weather for USDA Organic Program
Staff Attrition Occurring As Mission Expands By OrganicEye Executive Director Mark Kastel Though the full consequences are as yet unknown, the...
Vilsack’s Parting Shot: More Corporate Shills Governing Organics, Betraying Organic Farmers and Consumers
February 24, 2025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark A. Kastel, 608-625-2000 / Watchdog Reaches Out to Robert F....
Leadership Transitions at OrganicEye
New OrganicEye board member, Steven Heim Dear OrganicEye members, supporters, and organic industry stakeholders, One of the elements that...
Organic Industry News
What Are Cage-Free Eggs? New Organic Regulations Help Define Things, But Consumers Still Need to Do Their Homework
On the first day of 2025, the new Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards will go into effect, changing the definition of what constitutes a cage-free, organic egg. Here’s what that means for us as consumers. Breaking news: You may soon be seeing bare shelves where...
Organic Industry Watchdog Files Trump Test Case Against Factory Dairies
Sunrise Organic Dairy in Paul, Idaho (certified by Oregon Tilth) Multiple Incidents of Fraud Said to Have Been Ignored by Past Administrations LA FARGE, WIS: The country’s preeminent organic industry watchdog, OrganicEye, filed formal legal complaints against...
USDA Warns Certifiers About Fraudulent Imports of Organic Soybeans and Soymeal From West Africa
Organic Integrity Is a Game of Whack a Mole! The USDA, and sadly many major certifiers, do nothing but depend on paperwork. And they are going toe to toe with expert fraudsters who are a whole lot better at this game than they are. OrganicEye has been pushing the USDA...
Dandelion Roots Run Deep: Book Review
Doctor John and Merrill Clark were true heroes in the early years of the commercialization of the organic farming movement. They were both dedicated practitioners, willing to share their knowledge widely. And as corporate agribusinesses started wielding influence on...
Turkish businesspeople incriminated in a multi-million dollar fraud targeting US organic food market
The late Hakan Bahçeci, who has been incriminated in a fraudulent scheme involving the organic industry A Turkish businessman and his associates orchestrated an elaborate scheme to sell fraudulent organic grain in the US market through a web of companies, leading to...
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The stereotypical large farms of today’s agriculture are not unsustainable because they are large, they are large because they are managed unsustainably. They are unsustainable because they are managed ‘extensively’ – meaning they rely more on land and capital and less on thinking people.
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