Farmhouse set against rolling green hills
End-run around the corrupt USDA–Controlling organic certification
Hello Organic Farmers and Eaters Who Depend on Honesty and Authenticity,
Who owns the organic label? We all do!
We are about to launch our most ambitious project ever: bypassing the USDA to ensure that certifiers perform their duties independently and objectively, just as members of the organic community envisioned when we lobbied Congress to pass the Organic Foods Production Act in 1990.
Sadly, there’s so much corporate and governmental money being passed out in the organic industry (some akin to payola), that the independence of the USDA, many large certifiers, and even some other nonprofits has been compromised.
I can’t give you the specifics on our new project just yet. It is so sensitive that we can’t afford to give the puppet masters at the powerful industry lobby group, the Organic Trade Association, and their corporate-agribusiness members a heads up until we make this public in the next few weeks.
You obviously trust our work because you are on our email distribution list as either a donor-member or a supporter in some other regard. Thank you for your confidence! We hope you will continue your support and the funding that underwrites this mission. And that you will trust that my representation of the importance of this upcoming project announcement is not mere hyperbole.
The OrganicEye mission is to return the power in governing the organic industry to family-scale farmers and shoppers who are willing to thoughtfully invest in authentic organic food as an antidote to destroying the planet, torturing animals, exploiting farmers and ranchers, and failing to deliver on the health-affirming benefits of organics.
Again this year, we are humbled to have received a $25,000 matching grant, courtesy of a foundation, a longtime backer of this work.
Right now, lobbyists for major agribusinesses, and their front group, the Organic Trade Association, are, de facto, calling the shots at the USDA. Let’s put citizens back in the driver’s seat.
Why are we still fighting?
Because other than local direct marketers, there’s no viable alternative to a creditable organic program for farmers and eaters alike.
Please join with me at OrganicEye in the fight for food justice.
Donate online or mail your check to the address below to protect our investment.
Our work, through the marketplace and the courts, is designed to put family-scale farmers and their customers, organic eaters, back in charge of the regulatory and certification process. Other 2023/2024 projects include:
Group certification: The USDA is allowing foreign agribusinesses to self-certify their own grower-suppliers — a violation of federal law and regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest, and a prescription for fraud damaging US farmers.
GMO Vaccines: Forcing the USDA to abide by the law requiring safety reviews.
Exotic Coatings on Fruits and Vegetables: Ingredients and inputs are being reviewed by corporate-funded nonprofits — without USDA oversight! We’re out to change this corrupt model.
Carcinogens in Organic Food: Getting carrageenan and nitrate-rich celery powder out of certified organic food! Congress mandated all inputs used in organics be vetted for safety. Their intent has higher authority than OTA lobbyists.
Won’t you please join me in this effort by making a donation online through our secure donation page at:
The organic movement was founded on a loving collaboration between farmers and dedicated customers. If we are going to save it, that same unified effort will be essential.
Be well/stay healthy/invest in the very best food!

Mark A. Kastel, Director
PS: As always, your financial support will have a material impact on our capacity to carry out this mission — and with our $25,000 challenge grant matching your donation dollar for dollar, you can make an even bigger impact today. Thank you.
OrganicEye is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. Your donations are deductible to the full extent of law.