by Mark Kastel | May 13, 2020 | OrganicEye Posts
Ninety-five food, labor, and environmental organizations, including OrganicEye, are calling for swift action to ensure workers’ and communities’ health and safety. HEAL Food Alliance and Food Chain Workers Alliance are proud to unite with our allies in...
by Mark Kastel | Apr 10, 2020 | News Posts
Being all sequestered at home now, here is an interesting story on home technology and a bit of nice ink for OrganicEye and Beyond Pesticides in Wisconsin’s largest-circulation newspaper (the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel). The reporter is a long time business and...
by Mark Kastel | Apr 8, 2020 | News Posts
Article Orignally published by: Scientists from Imperial College London have just published their recent research on impacts of pesticides on larval bumblebees exposed through neonicotinoid-contaminated food sources. Many...
by Mark Kastel | Mar 31, 2020 | News Posts
Original article: (Beyond Pesticides, February 6, 2020) Bill Bader, a Missouri peach farmer, is taking on agrichemical giants for damages... by Mark Kastel | Mar 12, 2020 | OrganicEye Posts
The gravity of the current coronavirus epidemic/pandemic cannot be overstated. Because of the heavy dependence on imports for ingredients in organic food and supplements (and the likelihood of hoarding), it will certainly have an impact on the farming community....