by Mark Kastel | Oct 2, 2020 | ActionAlert, OrganicEye Posts
Organic Lobby Brags about Influencing Massive Rewrite of RulesLegal Mandate to Consult NOSB/Public Sidestepped Comments are due by October 5 at 11:59 pm EDT at USDA has presented to the public a massive and far-reaching rewrite of the regulations...
by Mark Kastel | Aug 19, 2020 | ActionAlert, OrganicEye Posts
Legal Complaints Filed against Natural Prairie, Massive Livestock Factories THE STORY: A QUICK OVERVIEW Natural Prairie, one of the nation’s largest “organic” factory dairies, managing over 25,000 head, accused of gross “mistreatment and neglect” of their animals....
by Mark Kastel | May 20, 2020 | ActionAlert, OrganicEye Posts
For years, USDA has been looking the other way as giant corporate agribusinesses, primarily producing conventional eggs and poultry, have squeezed family-scale farmers out of the market and misled and defrauded consumers. Due to a lawsuit challenging the Trump...