Q: How can you identify the safest and most nutritious vegetables (year-round)?
A: Tune into Kastel’s Kitchen Episode 3 to find out!

Conventional versus organic, industrial-organic versus homegrown quality. What’s the hierarchy of selection during the summer growing season? And how do we identify better flavor and nutrition during the winter months? 

The latest episode of Mark’s video series shows you how to select the very best organic produce all year long. Are “fresh” green beans from Florida or California the best choice during the winter or are frozen options better? Should we eat berries airfreighted in from Chile and asparagus from Peru when there are other locally grown options bursting with flavor available?

Mark answers these questions and more, including those submitted during the live broadcast and in the comment section on the OrganicEye Facebook page.

About Kastel’s Kitchen

Because of lax oversight by USDA, choosing certified organic food is just the first step in ensuring that you’re buying the best products for yourself and your family. In our new series, OrganicEye’s Director, Mark Kastel, will tap his many years of experience in the organic movement to decode the best options from the grocery aisles, farmers markets, and online buying sites.

His perspective is based on over three decades of personal experience as a shopper, gardener, certified organic farmer, and organic business/cooperative consultant, as well as his work as the country’s preeminent organic industry watchdog for the past 16 years.

Mark first came to organics after nearly being disabled from pesticide poisoning. Even though he was already eating a healthy, whole food diet, he credits his move to all-organic—on the recommendation of one of the country’s preeminent environmental allergists—with his recovery.  He now enjoys robust health, not only due to avoiding the agrochemical and drug residues often found in conventional food, but because of the exceptional nutrition inherent in true organic production. He has skin in the game and a passion for protecting the authenticity of everyone’s organic food, including his own.