Action Alerts from OrganicEye
Take Action: Tell RFK Jr. to Help Save Organics!
Your message to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: First, clean up the corruption / then promote superior organic food Send Your Message to Secretary Kennedy Click link below to message Secretary Kennedy: US farmers are being crushed and organic eaters are vulnerable to...
ActionAlert: Tell USDA to Enforce the Law and Crack Down on Organic Certifier Conflicts of Interest and ‘Payola’ by Corporate Agribusiness
ActionAlert: Stop Corporate Agribusiness From Watering Down USDA Organic Label
ActionAlert: Tell the USDA — No Diseased Animals Should Be Allowed in Organic Pet Food
OrganicEye Executive Director, Mark Kastel, and his shelter cat, Kovu, adopted Pippin who was abandoned as a kitten — all three enjoy an all-organic diet. Comments are due Friday, May 10 (11:59 PM Eastern) Note: The USDA proposed rule discussed below sets much-needed...
ActionAlert: Object to the USDA’s Phony-Baloney “Animal Welfare” Rule
Help farmers take back control of the USDA organic label Please stand with ethical organic dairy farm families by printing your proxy letter and mailing it back to OrganicEye: OrganicEyePO Box 8La Farge, WI 54639 Download and sign your proxy Thank you. Your effort is...
ActionAlert: Object to the USDA’s Phony-Baloney “Animal Welfare” Rule
In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E. coli, states and counties across the country are calling for a moratorium on large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
ActionAlert! Antibiotics and Carcinogens in Organics — Tell the USDA No!
In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E. coli, states and counties across the country are calling for a moratorium on large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
ActionAlert! USDA: Stop “Organic” Factories from Milking Conventional Dairy Cows
Unintended Consequences: Don’t Let Lobbyists Write Organic Law
In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E. coli, states and counties across the country are calling for a moratorium on large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
Corporate Agribusiness/USDA Collude on Shift to Industrial-Scale Organics
Legal Complaints Filed against Natural Prairie, Massive Livestock FactoriesTHE STORY: A QUICK OVERVIEW Natural Prairie, one of the nation’s largest “organic” factory dairies, managing over 25,000 head, accused of gross “mistreatment and neglect” of their animals. The...
ActionAlert: Tell USDA to Crack Down on ”Organic” Livestock Factories
In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E. coli, states and counties across the country are calling for a moratorium on large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
ActionAlert! End Factory Farms: Support the Farm System Reform Act
In the midst of recalls of romaine lettuce contaminated with a pathogenic strain of E. coli, states and counties across the country are calling for a moratorium on large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
ActionAlert! USDA: Stop “Organic” Factories from Milking Conventional Dairy Cows
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