by Mark Kastel | Sep 30, 2019 | News Posts
It’s great to see the largest newspaper in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, do this excellent investigative story “outing” the fatcats that have personally profited by squeezing money out of the dwindling milk checks of family farmers...
by Mark Kastel | Aug 28, 2019 | News Posts
Chemical industry giant Monsanto used military-style surveillance and response tactics to target critics, newly released documents reveal. Disclosed as a result of ongoing court battles regarding the health impacts of the weed killer Roundup, internal...
by Mark Kastel | Aug 27, 2019 | News Posts
The primary reasons people shift to purchasing organic dairy products, often a gateway food as children age-out of breast-feeding or formula, are concerns about human health (principally agrichemical, drug residues and genetically engineered bovine growth hormone...
by Mark Kastel | Aug 26, 2019 | News Posts
When I started doing political work on behalf of farmers, in the mid-1980s there were about 45,000 independent dairies, and Wisconsin alone, averaging about 45 cows (family farms). Today that number has dropped to about 7600 and is in freefall. And like California and...
by Mark Kastel | Aug 25, 2019 | News Posts
According to Tom Willey, one of the intellectually deepest farmers I know, and am proud to call friend, Driscoll’s is paying its Mexican workers $12 a day (per day, not per hour). Soon California growers will need to somehow compete while paying their workers a...